Thanks to satellite and in-situ observations, combined with high resolution numerical ocean models, the last decade has seen advances in the knowledge of the global ocean surface dynamics, filled with a large number of various mesoscale (~100 km) and sub-mesoscale (<~10 km) meandering surface currents and eddies. However, the challenge is to accurately quantify the surface current associated with these features. Multi-variable observations from past and presently operating remote sensing satellite sensors, including altimeters, accelerometers and gradiometers, scatterometers, SAR, IR radiometers, spectrometers and passive microwaves will be consistently and systematically explored in a synergetic approach using a broad range of processing methods and tools. The key objectives of the GlobCurrent project are to:
- advance the quantitative estimation of ocean surface currents from satellite sensor synergy;
- plan and implement user-led application case studies to demonstrate the accuracy and impact of GlobCurrent outputs for a variety of scientific, operational and commercial applications;
- federate the international user-producer community for ocean surface currents to develop scientific and end-user consensus on relevant technical and scientific requirements.
Please note that the second User Consultation Meeting - Surface Current from Space - will be 4-6 November at Ifremer in Brest, France immediately following the 2nd International Meeting on Ocean Surface Currents. The GlobCurrent project website is where users should register to follow news and events related to the project.